Progress report 2019-2020


  • New Greenvale (GV) Levels were written to replace P levels in Music, Art, Computing, History, Geography and PE. These levels and their rationale can be located on the Greenvale School website. 
  • SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) has been created and piloted to show more meaningful progress in the development of SEMH skills for students on the Woodland pathway.
  • Enrichment impact has been created and trialled on SOLAR. Full implementation from Sept 2020.


Enrichment assessment example – Open Orchestra

X has been enjoying playing rock music using an iPad, using ThumbJam app and ‘power chord’ settings. X has been consistent in the feedback she has been giving when ‘jamming’ in our 2:1 and Open Orchestra session with other young musicians. X has shown her enjoyment giving big smiles, laughs and some very intentional tapping/playing on the iPad, which is a significant shift from the previous 2 terms.


COVID assessment update

Changes to accountability arrangements. We will not hold schools and colleges to account on the basis of exams and assessment data from summer 2020 and that data will not be used by others, such as Ofsted and local authorities, to hold schools and colleges to account’. (Department for Education 8th April 2020)



  •  All students in KS4 have achieved either Gold or Silver ASDAN Transition Challenge, or ASDAN Sensory.
  • All students in KS5 achieved at least 3 AQA unit awards across the following subjects: Maths, English, Computing, PE and 3 options
  • Some students on Woodland Pathway achieved ASDAN PSD Entry Level 1


Destinations Y14

7 students - Orchard Hill

4 students - Lewisham College

4 students - Nash College

1 student - LSEC Bromley


Development areas for 2020/21

  • Create GV levels for Foundation subjects: PSHE and Science
  • Develop pedagogy and assessment for Grove students and 5 areas of engagement
  • Implement Strengths and Difficulties assessment to support students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
  • Review progress from Recovery Curriculum
  • Catch Up Premium