
Students are admitted to the school after a full assessment process and are referred to Greenvale by the Lewisham Educational Special Needs Service Unit (SEN), which is part of the complex needs service.

All students have a statement of Educational needs or an Educational Healthcare Plan (EHCP). Greenvale School caters for students with a wide range of learning difficulties, with all work differentiated to meet individual needs. There are 4 separate pathways that students can follow, with some students accessing several pathways:

  • Grove Pathway – For students with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD). Students work below GV4 within the 5 areas of engagement. Learners have full access to the curriculum content; however, they are not assessed in subject specific learning. Students typically communicate using objects of reference, photos, vocalisations and/or gesture, and learn through a sensory curriculum. 
  • Forest Pathway – For students with learning difficulties working within GV6-GV7. Learners have full access to the curriculum content and are engaged and assessed in subject specific learning. Students use a total communication approach that may include AAC, symbols and signs. 
  • Woodland Pathway – for students with Learning Difficulties working above P levels and are engaged in subject specific learning. They work towards Entry Level Qualifications. 
  • Glade Provision – For students with learning difficulties and additional complex needs. Students follow a Grove, Orchard or Forest Learning Pathway within the Glade Provision. Students require a high level of structure and routine throughout the day. Learners focus on the development of skills such as communication, behaviour, emotional regulation, engagement, initiation and generalisations. Many of these young people have additional complex behavioural needs. We only have a limited, small number of spaces for such young people as they require a separate provision from the rest of the school.  
Students who will benefit from a placement at the school are those who require a small supportive educational environment. 

Students may also have other disabilities such as physical disabilities, hearing and visual impairment or emotional difficulties; these will be subsidiary to difficulties arising from their learning difficulty. Over 50% of students at Greenvale have an additional diagnosis of Autism.

Greenvale School has a significant number of students who are extremely vulnerable, and those with additional medical needs too. The school also has a Nursing Support Assistant to provide medical supervision and is able to offer places to students who require a high level of medical support.

We welcome visits from prospective students and/or parents and we usually visit students at their current schools. All new admissions are confirmed through the Lewisham SEN team.
Special Schools Admission Criteria

Lewisham’s special school’s admissions is managed by Lewisham Council’s Special Educational Needs Service. This service is based at Kaleidoscope the Lewisham Centre for Children and Young People. and can be contacted by calling 0203 049 1475 or through Lewisham Council’s Website. All pupils have a Statement of Special Educational Need (SSEN) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). SSEN or EHCP are carefully considered by the school to ensure that they can meet the identified pupil needs and the child is appropriately placed in the school.