For students with learning difficulties and additional complex needs. Students typically work within the 5 areas of engagement to GV7 and work within the Grove, Orchard or Forest learning pathways. Students require a high level of structure and routine throughout the day. They focus on the development of skills such as communication, behaviour, emotional regulation, engagement, initiation and generalisations.
Students have full access to the National Curriculum which is differentiated to meet the needs of each individual learner,
Students learn through different activities and experiences in all subject areas. They will develop skills in the following areas:
Communication – symbol/verbal communication
Emotional regulation –sensory circuitsetc.
Engagement – persistence, concentration.
Initiation - during social structured activities, creative arts etc.
Transitions – moving around the school.
Generalisation – functional skills
Independence – e.g. structured learning approach
Students will learn skills using a structured approach and be supported to transfer these skills into other situations.
Social communication and interaction groups – mixed ability communication groups provide students weekly opportunities to interact with the peers. Activities include call and response, and the use of AAC for example switch work,
Students with sensory difficulties follow a daily sensory diet which may include sensory circuits.
KS4 - ASDAN Transition Challenge
KS5 - AQA Unit Awards
Each student in theGlade provision should have the opportunity throughout their time at Greenvale to experience within their classroom environment:
Creative arts – for example music off Canvass workshops
Community engagement –for example Step into Dance
Physical – for example cycling
Weekly assembly
Termly whole school events – multi-cultural week, Red Nose Day.