On behalf of all the governors it is a pleasure to welcome you to Greenvale School and our new website.
The new look site reflects the major changes that have occurred over the past few years. Now established across two locations and with over 200 students, we have a wonderful environment in which we can provide exciting opportunities for everyone connected with Greenvale. Nothing stands still and it is our challenge to build on these foundations for the benefit of everyone.
The physical surroundings created by these state of the art sites are especially important for us and all who work and study here. We continue to invest and many of you will have seen the splendid new playground equipment installed over the Summer and which will make a further valuable contribution to student well being.
A striking feature of Greenvale is the depth and extent of its community. Its success depends on the contributions of so many individuals. In this connection I would like to mention the special value we place on the role of parents. I hope all parents will look at the section of the website dedicated to them and the opportunities the school provides for attending events, meeting other parents and giving your views. Your views are highly valued and are the basis of regular reports to governors.
At our last inspection we were judged by Ofsted to be an outstanding school. We are very proud of this achievement. It is inspiring for governors to see the dedication with which the Headteacher and her team examine every aspect of their work, always seeking continual progress and improvement. Individual student needs are at the heart of that work and that is reflected in our exceptionally wide curriculum which enables everyone to grow and flourish.
The governors look forward to the challenges ahead and to supporting Greenvale’s incredible students and staff.
Governance at Greenvale School and the role of the Governors
While the primary role of the Headteacher is responsibility for day to day management and leadership, it is the role of governors to act strategically, ensuring that the school’s objectives are met.
The powers and responsibilities of governors are:-
To agree, monitor and review the school’s aims, policies, plans and procedures
to develop and implement the School Improvement Plan and to ensure the requirements of the National Curriculum are met
to oversee financial management as well as personnel and premises issues
At Greenvale we have a very committed governing body. Its membership consists of four parents elected by the school, the Headteacher and a staff member, one member appointed by the local authority and seven members drawn from the local community. It also has two advisers who are staff members.
All governors are committed to the success of the school and to supporting staff.
The governors meet regularly each term. The main decisions are taken by the Full Governing Body which is supported by a Finance and Resources Committee and an Education and Student Services Committee. Meetings are not just a means of arriving at decisions, they are also vital for governors in building up an understanding of the school and its ambitions and for sharing expertise and information.
Governors also regularly visit the school to see it in action and how its vision is being put into everyday practice.
Governors work closely with the school at all times, providing support and promoting the interests of the school and its pupils. They provide accountability to parents and pupils, to the community and to outside agencies.