At Greenvale School we have the very highest aspirations and expectations for all our pupils and recognise that they deserve very best provision. Our Governing Board share our belief that every pupil should have equal opportunities to achieve the best possible life chances, and where no young person falls behind.
At Greenvale we make every effort to ensure that disadvantaged pupils receive the outstanding support they deserve and that they make outstanding progress as a result of outstanding teaching and provision.
The Department for Education (DfE) provides additional Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) to all schools based on the number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and the number of children who are looked-after (CLA) and the aim of PPF is to support schools in raising the achievement of the most disadvantaged pupils.
At Greenvale we acknowledge that it is not the Pupil Premium funding itself that will improve achievement and attainment, but how it is used to support our most disadvantaged pupils. We achieve this through robust and effective planning, assessment and management; governors ensure the efficient management of PPF and this leads to the effective deployment of staff and resources to the benefit of all individuals and groups of pupils.
We use our pupil premium in a variety of different ways and across a number of areas to support learning and access to the whole school curriculum and enrichment activities - these are outlined below:
Provision of Enrichment activities.
Additional staffing to create smaller groups particularly those focused on achievement in literacy and numeracy.
Supporting our students financially to access school journeys and trips
Provision of additional staffing to targeted groups.
Provision of additional Therapy for Occupational Therapy in classes and for individuals.
Provision of specialist tuition in musical tuition.
The Pupil Premium has enabled Greenvale to enhance our provision with more specialist knowledge and to allow the organisation of smaller groups for example for Woodland Maths and English or Grove sessions in the Learning support base. Thus it enables students to develop in terms of their academic ability and also their cultural and wider knowledge.
Our full Pupil Report can be read by clicking the link below: