At Greenvale, we work with a number of charities, support groups and associations, both local and national. We also host coffee mornings and training sessions in school. If we are doing something we feel is relevant for you, we will contact you and invite you to attend.
We would also invite you to browse the links on this page and use them to access any information and support you may need. You can do this by clicking on the picture of the organisation you would like to find more information about.
Meeting the Needs of Ethnic Minority
Families Living with Autism.
Carol Murrell
Family Support Learning Mentor
Part of my role is to maintain effective and supportive relationships with students and their families. I work alongside the Senior Leadership Team, Learning Mentors and other professionals, addressing the needs of students, enabling them to progress and achieve.
I work on both Waters Road and Mayow Road. During the school day I assist with facilitating coffee mornings and parent workshops, where I am available to offer help and advice as required. I also meet with parents on an individual basis to support with any care plans, forms or referrals that may need completing.
I am a designated Youth Mental Health First Aider. In this role I am available to support students’ health and wellbeing on a one-to-one basis, where it is needed. I review support and progress with students and encourage participation and inclusion throughout my work.