Educational Psychology Support at Greenvale School
What is an Educational Psychologist (EP)? An Educational Psychologist (EP) supports the well-being and development of children and young people up to the age of 25. EPs have postgraduate training in child and adolescent learning, behavior, and mental health. They use their expertise in theory and research to create positive changes by working collaboratively with school staff, parents/carers, and students.
What Does an EP Do? EPs gather detailed information about a child’s strengths and areas where they need support. Working with the adults who know the child best, they develop and review plans to help the child make progress. Areas an EP may explore include:
Learning and academic development.
Understanding and managing emotions.
Independence and self-help skills.
Social skills, such as making friends and building relationships.
Communication, including expressing themselves and understanding language.
Play and developmental skills.
Medical or physical conditions that may influence access to learning.
What Happens After an EP Visit? Following their involvement, the EP typically provides a written record of their observations and recommendations. They will plan follow-up visits to review the child’s progress and adjust support strategies as needed.
Our Link Educational Psychologist The link EP is based at the Kaleidoscope Centre for Children and Young People: 32 Rushey Green, London SE6 4JF
Referrals Referrals to the Educational Psychology Team are managed by Lina Avila Munoz. If you have concerns about your son/daughter's behavior or development, please contact their class teacher or Key Stage Coordinator in the first instance.