At Greenvale our primary aim and main priority is pupil achievement. Consequently we aim;
To promote opportunities for the whole school community to enjoy and achieve. All achievement should be recognised and celebrated.
To develop a creative, stimulating and relevant curriculum tailored to the individual needs of the learner and that motivates every member of the school community to do their best.
To work in partnership with students, families, the multi-disciplinary team and the wider community to meet individual needs. Together as a team we can achieve the best outcomes for our young people.
To provide a secure, safe and supportive environment to promote maximum equality of opportunity, independence, confidence and education.
The school works to foster a spirit of respect, mutual co-operation and self-motivation. We are a learning community in which all can progress and develop together, and in which students can contribute to decisions about their own learning. The school is committed to continuously improving its performance. We promote equality of opportunity for all members of our school community and actively promote and celebrate diversity. The shared values which the school aims to develop include;
respect for each other, students, staff and parents or carers;
consideration and support
equality and diversity in all aspects of school life
enrichment and fun so that all can learn together.
All of the above is incorporated into a learning environment which is first and foremost educational but is also caring and supportive and aims to make learning an enjoyable experience.
With this in place we are in the best position to ensure that Greenvale will prepare our students for adult life beyond school and enable them to achieve their full potential.
At Greenvale School we have a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of all students in our care. We are committed to practice that protects children from harm. Greenvale staff are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ as far as safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff members should always act in the interest of the child. We encourage a culture in which all staff believe safeguarding to be of the highest importance and understand that their vigilance is critical. We want all staff to feel confident to discuss their concerns with designated staff/governors and have clear lines of protocol in place to do this. At Greenvale School as far as possible, in the context of the complex needs of the students, we teach students about safeguarding themselves in and outside of school, including online, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We establish and maintain a culture in which children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to. We present a school environment within which students feel safe and secure so that any concerns are more readily identified.