Progress report 2018-2019
- New Greenvale (GV) Levels were written and implemented for English and Maths in Jan 2019 to replace P levels.
- A new target setting document was produced to replace the Progression Guidance, based on pathway expectations..
- Progress has been monitored against these new targets. GV levels are not equivalent to P levels therefore data is approximate.
Grove pathway (16 students)
- Students on the Grove pathway continue to be assessed termly using the 7 areas of engagement, through descriptive comments and photographs.
- Progress is monitored termly as part of progress reviews.
KS4 accreditation
Grove/Forest pathway
- There are 8 students in Y11, 6 of whom moved to KS5.
- Of the 2 Year students in Y11 in KS4, 1 student achieved ASDAN Gold Sensory and one student (working below in GV maths) achieved Silver Transition Challenge.
- All Y10 students have begun work on ASDAN Transition Challenge or Sensory.
- Students in the Glade pathway started ASDAN (accreditation to be achieved in 2020)
Key Stage 5
Grove/Forest/Woodland pathway
- All students achieved AQA unit awards in Maths, English, Computing, PE and 3 options.
Glade Pathway
- 10 KS5 stduents in High Needs classes all achieved a range of AQA unit awards.
Glade/Gove pathway
- 13 students completed Discover or Explore Arts Award.
Forest and Woodland Pathway
- 28 Students also completed an AQA unit award for KS5 Lunch Club.
- 7 stduetns achieved Arts Award Bronze Level 1 trhourough fashion and textiles
Woodland Patwhay
- 6 students completed ASDAN PSD Entry Level 1
- 3 Students completed Maths Entry Level 1
- 2 Students completed Maths Entry Level 3
- 1 student completed English Reading Entry Level 1
- 1 student completed English Reading Entry Level 2
- 1 students completed English Writing Entry Level 1
Of the 15 Y14 leavers, 13 students moved onto further education:
5 students - Lewisham College
4 students – Orchard Hill
2 students - Bromley College
1 student - Leemore Centre
1 student - Capel Manor – Crystal Palace
Due to difficulties with provision for students on Grove and Glade pathway out of borough (there are no in borough facilities), 2 students have no further education provision. They have both been assessed for a social care support package.
Further information
- Interventions Base continued to be successful – targets are set for 6 week or 12-week intervention, with SOLAR recording summarising progress.
- Learning Support Base continued with individual and group sessions focussing on communication and recording within the 7 areas of engagement.
- Students with a physical disability have developed communication and maths skills during physio and hydro activities (caputure on SOLAR).
- A number of our students have made fantastic progress with personal skills such as developing their communication and improving their ability to self-regulate. Summative assessment is included within end of year reports.
- Students continued to make progress with managing their behaviour and self-regualtion, as seen through the monitoring of behaviour incidents weekly at SLT student meeting. A new CPOMs category ‘positive behaviour progress’ also captures improvements.
- Enrichment participation and impact was reported on as part of our pathway progress within the end of year reports.
- We have achieved self-certification status again from ASDAN having successful passed another year of moderation.
- Lewisham Special School Network (LSSN) and Bromley SLP continues to moderate assessments.
- GV and BK have created a levels table with input from DB to support both moderation and admission criteria.
Progress summary
Progress at Greenvale is reviewed on an individual basis through termly data scrutiny (including GV progress, IEP achievement, incidents and attendance). However, an overall view of progress shows that:
- An increase in accredited courses offered across pathways and especially in KS5 ensures that accreditation is tailored to student need so that all students achieve. For example, one student working ‘below’ in Maths has achieved an ASDAN silver award, and all students in KS5 have achieved a board range of accredited courses.
- Student make the best progress when following a tailored pathway for example a Glade student has moved from Median (PG) progress to Excellent progress on GV levels following a move from a mixed ability class to a Glade class.
- Where students make below expected progress, this can be attributed to complex issues with behaviour and attendance. Both students working below in Maths have significant input form professionals including therapists, EP and CaMHs to improve progress moving forward.
SIP Outcomes 2019/20
- To show more meaningful progress in the development of SEMH skills for students on Woodland pathway – using the Boxhall profile and SDQ tool.
- Improve the capturing of the impact and learning during Enrichment activities for all pathways.
- To develop more meaningful recording systems in foundation subjects – writing and implementing GV levels for at least 4 foundtion subjects.