Greenvale Levels PE


PE improves physical, mental and personal well-being of students, develop essential life skills and contribute to whole school improvements.” (Loughborough University 2018)

New Greenvale Levels have been created to assess Physical Education following the recommendations from the Rochford Review (2016) of the removal of P Levels as statutory requirement for the assessment of students working below the standard of National Curriculum tests. The Greenvale Levels have been designed to assess the development of students’ skills within PE for students that are engaged in subject specific learning.

PE inspires all students to engage in physical activity or sport and to use a wide variety of apparatus and equipment to develop physical strength and co-ordination and should provide opportunities for students to become physically skilled and confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. PE provides opportunities to compete in sports and other activities and helps to embed values such as, team work fairness and respect. Physical activities in Greenvale school are imbedded across the curriculum where students are encouraged to be active and autonomous. 

Core skills underpinning physical development include:

  •         Performing simple movements in isolation or sequences
  •         Participating in shared activities with a partner, small group or team
  •         Being physically active for sustained periods of time
  •         Learn and practice simple rules for games and specific sports
  •         Develop technique and improve performance

 The Association for Physical Education has the following definitions:

  •         Physical Activity is a broad term referring to all bodily movement that uses energy. It includes all forms of physical education, sports and dance activities. However, it is wider than this, as it also includes indoor and outdoor play, work-related activity, outdoor and adventurous activities, active travel (e.g. walking, cycling, rollerblading, scooting) and routine, habitual activities such as using the stairs, doing housework and gardening.
  •         Physical Education is the planned, progressive learning that takes place in school curriculum timetabled time and which is delivered to all pupils. This involves both ‘learning to move’ (i.e. becoming more physically competent) and ‘moving to learn’ (e.g. learning through movement, a range of skills and understandings beyond physical activity, such as co-operating with others). The context for the learning is physical activity, with children experiencing a broad range of activities, including sport and dance.

 Data sources used include:

  •         Performance - p scale - attainment targets for pupils with special educational needs (2009).
  •         Sports Leader
  •         AQA Entry Level Unit Awards for Physical Education and Sport
  •         National Curriculum KS1 & 2
  •         National Curriculum KS3
  •         Calderdale Council EYFS Learning and Development Progress Tracker for Physical Development
  •         Association for Physical Education

Greenvale Levels


  •         When sitting, students reach forward to pick up equipment
  •         Students understand basic movement patterns and perform single actions (for example, running, jumping or splashing)
  •         From a standing or sitting still position students push a large ball away
  •         Students hold one small ball in each hand and bring both hands together in the middle with support
  •         Students to transfer a ball from one hand to the other with support.
  •         Students recognise familiar pieces of equipment (for example, a ball, basket or hoop)
  •         Students show awareness of cause and effect (for example, knocking down skittles throwing a ball in basket)
  •         Students perform single actions with physical support from an adult (such as rolling, sitting, moving from the floor to standing, running, jumping - with hands-on assistance from an adult)
  •         Students perform dance with some limited movement patterns


  •         Students able to respond to simple commands (for example ‘go, stop, next’
  •         Students link two actions in a sequence (for example, crawling and walking, climbing and jumping, walking and kicking, picking up objects and throwing)
  •         Students follow simple instructions with the support of symbols or other prompts if required
  •         Students to take turns with a partner or in a small group
  •         Students will recognise and collect, on request, familiar pieces of equipment
  •         Students understand the purpose of equipment (for example, a mat to lie on or a hoop to jump into)
  •         Students perform single actions with minimum support from an adult, or using extra equipment (i.e. hitting a ball with a racket, hitting pins with a ball)
  •         Students perform dance using simple movement patterns, requiring extra time or equipment


  •         Students work in pairs or in small groups cooperatively
  •         Students move in two contrasting ways (e.g. slowly and quickly, in and out hoop, on and off mat, up and down step)
  •         They link three movements in a simple sequence
  •         Students recognise small and large apparatus and use them with basic control
  •         Students throw and kick a ball, but lack direction
  •         Students perform single actions independently, without co-ordination
  •         Students perform dance using simple movement patterns


  •         Students work cooperatively in pairs, trios or small groups
  •         Students can create their own simple dance sequence using at least 4 movements
  •         Students kick, roll or throw a ball towards a target
  •         Students can throw a ball over a net or too a partner [e.g. volleyball, basketball]
  •         Students receive a ball from a partner or adult [for example catching a ball or stopping the ball with a foot]
  •         Students can balance a ball on a racket


  •         Students can learn and demonstrate at least a 5 step dance sequence
  •         Students can create their own simple dance sequence using at least 5 movements 
  •         Students are aware of space, themselves and others
  •         Students can kick a ball into a goal (e.g. football)
  •         Students can throw a ball into a net (e.g. basketball)
  •         Students follow simple game rules
  •         Students perform single actions independently demonstrating some balance and co-ordination (e.g. walking in a line on a balancing plank)
  •         Students perform dance using a range of movement patterns


  •         Students hit a ball with a racket or bat
  •         Students bounce the ball whilst moving
  •         Students to use at least two basic passing techniques
  •         Students to jump safely off a low step over onto two feet (soft knees).
  •         Students perform a short dance routine
  •         Students demonstrates technique and control
  •         Students performs two-stage commands
  •         Students performs dance using a set range of movement patterns and develops dance technique.


  •         Students to bounce a ball on a racket.
  •         Students to use at least four forms of exercises/stretches with support when required to provide an activity specific warm up
  •         Students to use/repeat a sequence of 3-4 movements in a team or target sport
  •         Students to use at least two basic shooting techniques that require accuracy ( e.g Using racket to hit a tennis ball in the opposition’s court, shooting towards corner of a goal - left or right-)
  •         Students to evaluate, develop and improve their technique and performance
  •         Students participates in competitive activity which involves multiple skills – running, throwing, collecting equipment from the ground, reaching a target, using a racket
  •         Students uses some strategies or tactics during a game.
  •         Students improves dance technique and performances