
  Social, Emotional and Mental Health  

  • Students are taught to develop their social, emotional and mental health skills through a differentiated PSHE curriculum, daily mindfulness, and learn to manage their own behaviour.  

  • Students are taught to develop their independence and self-help skills, for example making a drink or a snack,  

  • Students with sensory needs follow a daily sensory diet which      Orchard Pathway Overview  

  • For students with learning difficulties typically working within GV4-GV5. 

  • Learners focus on the development of skills; communication, behaviour, emotional regulation, engagement, initiation and generalisations. Learners have full access to the curriculum content through a multi- sensory and interactive approach. Students use a total communication approach that may include AAC, symbols and signs.  

  • Curriculum 

  • Students have full access to the National Curriculum which is adapted to meet the needs of each individual learner.  

  • Cognition and Learning  

  • Students study all core and foundation subjects. English and Maths sessions occur every day, and foundation subjects weekly.  

  • MFL in KS3 and KS4 is taught one day per term, and History rotates with Geography ½ term each as does Art and Music  

  • Drama is incorporated into English through Speaking and Listening.  

  • Communication and Interaction  

  • Using a total communication approach, communication and interaction is taught through all subjects and the wider provision.  

  •  may include sensory circuits etc.  

  • Students with physical needs follow a weekly physiotherapy programme and a weekly hydrotherapy programme if applicable. These students may also have a change of position every day.  


Interventions –organised through the iBase. Interventions include fine motor skills, social skills, communication, behaviour, reading and phonics etc.  



KS4 - ASDAN Transition Challenge  

KS5 - AQA Unit Awards.  



Each student on the Orchard pathway should have the opportunity throughout their time at Greenvale to experience: 

  • Creative arts – for example LPO Bright Sparks Concert, Entelechy arts  

  • Community engagement – for example accessing a local shopping centre, local museum, Visits in school from police, fire brigade visits 

  • Physical – for example offsite cycling, swimming sports week,  

  • Weekly assembly  

  • Termly whole school events – multi-cultural week, Red Nose Day, diversity week, healthy eating week   


Assessment areas for recording   

  • GV levels: English (R, W, S, L), Maths, Science, Computing, PSHE, RE, DT, PE, Music, Art, History, Geography. 

  • Interventions  

  • Enrichment 

  • EHCP long and short term outcomes 

  • IEP/ILP achievement 

  • End of year reports 

  • MDT reports 

  • Other  

  • KS4 ASDAN Transition Challenge  

  • KS5 

  • English, Maths, Computing, PE,  

  • Interventions  

  • AQA Options 

  • Skills towards independence  

  • Preparation for Adulthood