Greenvale Levels Maths
GV 4
- Students match objects and symbols.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of transaction (for example; by exchanging a coin for an item, or one item for another during a role-play activity).
- Exchange symbol of mathematical items for item (for example, dice during maths game).
- Students show an interest in shape and space by manipulating shapes and making arrangements with objects.
- Students can fit shapes into spaces (for example; inset boards, jigsaw puzzles).
- Students know daily routines (for example; morning break, lunch, home time).
- Students can indicate one (for example; by using eye pointing, blinks, gestures, symbols, switches).
- Students can indicate two (for example; by using eye pointing, blinks, gestures, symbols, switches).
- They demonstrate that they are aware of contrasting quantities (for example; ‘one’ and ‘lots’ by making groups of one or lots of food items on plates, place one sweet in a jar or lots of sweets in a jar).
- Students understand the concept of big and can find big objects on request (for example; from a choice of two objects with a marked difference, identifying the ‘big’ item, placing the biggest ball into the hoop).
- Students understand the concept of small and can find the small objects on request (for example; from a choice of two objects with a marked difference, identifying the ‘small’ item, placing the smallest ball into the hoop).
- Students count reliably to three, make sets of up to three objects and use numbers to three in familiar activities and games (for example; counting objects or pictures, counting out sets of three).
- Students compare two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number.
- Students demonstrate an understanding of one-to-one correspondence in a range of functional contexts (for example; matching objects such as straws to drink cartons, giving one plate and one cup to each pupil, hairbrush to hair, socks to feet, knife and fork).
- Students complete a range of sorting activities using a given criterion (for example; sorting a pile of coins by size, colour or shape, sorting all the blue jumpers from a mixture of jumpers).
- Students copy simple patterns or sequences (for example; copying a simple pattern of repeated movements e.g. – stand, sit, stand sit, copying a pattern e.g. red, green, red, green, copying a beat, copying a simple recipe).
- Students understand the concept of ‘more’ (for example; putting more water in a jug when stated. When given two plates, one with three biscuits and the other with several more, say which has more. Using a large difference, indicate which of two piles of cubes contains more cubes).
- Students show understanding of words, signs and symbols that describe positions – in and out.
- Students show understanding of words signs and symbols that describe positions – on and under.
- Students recognise numerals from one to five and understand that each represents a constant number or amount (for example; putting correct number of objects (one to five) into containers marked with the numeral, collecting the correct number of items up to five).
- In practical situations students respond to ‘add one’ to a number of objects (for example; responding to requests such as add one pencil to the pencils in the pot, add one sweet to the jar).
- Students respond appropriately to key vocabulary and questions (for example; ‘How many? What colour are the boots? If I add one how many have I got now?).
- Students understand the odd one out. They identify when an object is different and does not belong to a given familiar category (for example; removing odd items from sets, identify the odd one out from a list).
- Students compare two objects using ‘more/most’ and ‘less/fewer’ (for example; indicating which bottle has less water in it, throwing beanbags/balls at a target and adding up scores – who scored the most? the least?).
- Students respond to ‘forwards’ and backwards’ (for example; moving forwards and backwards on request, recognising when a vehicle is moving forwards or backwards, moving a counter forward or backward on a board game).
- Students show understanding of words, signs and symbols that describe positions – besides/next to.
- Students show understanding of words, signs and symbols that describe positions – middle/in between.
- Students show an awareness of time (for example; through familiarity with names of the days of the week, significant times in their day, such as lunch, bed).
- Students recognise numerals from one to ten and to understand that each represents a constant number or amount.
- In practical situations students ‘take one away’ from a number of objects (for example; adding one more to three objects in a box and say, sign or indicate how many are now in the box; at a cake sale saying, signing or indicating how many cakes are left when one is sold).
- Students can identify the value of coins and notes.
- Students can identify the cost of an item to £10 using whole £1s.
- Students, recognise and describe simple repeating patterns and sequences (for example; recognising and describing simple repeating patterns on necklaces from different cultures, recognising and describing a pattern of socks on a line).
- Students order and compare items by length/height (for example; comparing two plants placed side by side and indicate the tall one, or comparing two zips and indicating the long one, identify the tallest building, the shortest student).
- Students can Identify the ‘heaviest’ item.
- Students can identify the ‘lightest’ item.
- Students use marks (e.g. tally) to record findings that they can interpret and explain (for example; record the classes favourite food, record how staff and students get to school and recall the most common answer).
- Students are able to use ordinal numbers in different contexts (for example; to describe who is first in the line, who is going first in a game of bowling, who is second? To follow instructions in order - '1st, get your coat, 2nd go outside, 3rd choose a ball').
- Students can recognise and name basic 2-D shapes – circle and square.
- Students can name basic 2-D shapes – triangle and rectangle.
- Students can follow directions using left and right (for example; turn left, go into the classroom on your right, take it in turns being a robot and give instructions to get to somewhere, code a robot).
- Students can tell the time using an analogue and digital clock to o’clock.
- Students can order and compare numbers up to 10 (for example; say which of two numbers is smaller or larger, identify which of three or more numbers is the smallest or the largest, put three or more numbers in order, starting with the smallest).
- Students can identify the greatest value up to 10 using a variety of language (for example; most expensive, biggest).
- Students can identify the least value up to 10 (for example; lowest, smallest, cheapest).
- Students can identify the cost of 2 items to £10 using whole £1s.
- Students can calculate the change from £10 when buying 1 item costing whole £1s.
- Students can identify the correct number of £1 coins to pay for an item up to the value of £10 (for example; choosing 3 x £1 for item costing £3 from 10 £1 coins).
- Students can identify odd numbers (for example, identify the odd door numbers).
- Students can identify even numbers (for example, identify the jars that have even sweets in them).
- Students can measure objects between the lengths of 1 – 10cm.
- Students can identify the position of an item in relation to another (for example; what ball is in the middle, what is to the left of the hat, what is to the right of the rabbit, what is below the bottle?).
- Students can identify a day and date on a calendar in the future.
- Students can tell the time using an analogue and digital clock to 1/2 hour.
- Students can identify the cost of 3 items to £10 using whole £1s.
- Students can solve number problems involving the addition of single-digit numbers up to 10.
- Students can solve number problems involving the subtracting of single-digit number up to 10.
- Students can find the difference between two numbers up to 10.
- Students can calculate the change from £10 when buying 2 items costing whole £1s each totalling less than £10.
- Students can identify the correct coins and notes to pay for their items.
- Students can check an answer with the inverse calculation + -
- Students can identify 3D shapes within objects; cube, cylinder, cuboid, cone, sphere (for example, a toothpaste box is a cuboid).
- Students can tell the time using an analogue and digital clock to 1/4 hour.