Impact report 2021 - 2022

Impact Report 2021/2022


Accreditation / Achievements

Key Stage 5.

All students in KS5 in each pathway achieved a minimum of 6 AQA unit awards in English, Maths, ICT, PE and cross-curricular Options.

20 students also received additional AQA unit award for participating in KS5 lunch club.

13 students on the Glade pathway in KS5 completed a minimum 3 AQA unit awards at Pre-entry level in English, Maths and Communication.

3 Year 14 students completed the ASDAN PSD Award

1 Year 14 student completed the DofE Certificate of achievement (all sections except the expedition)

1 Year 14 student completed a DofE sectional certificate for completing one unit

6 students achieved Functional Skills Maths at Entry Level 1

6 students achieved Functional Skills English at Entry Level 1


Key Stage 4


There were 27 students that achieved an ASDAN award.

5 Year 11 students achieved Gold

22 Year 10 students achieved Silver

Only one student that should have achieved gold did not. She has significant and complex medical needs and attends school with a nurse. She did not attend until late summer term due to Covid. She did, however, achieve 2 units  all of which were taught remotely,  which was a significant achievement. She joined class sessions and tutor time regularly.



Of the 16 Year 14 leavers, 14 students moved onto further education, two went into residential placements.

Destinations were as follows.


Orchard Hill – 6

Nash College – 3

Bromley College – 4

Shooter’s Hill – 1

Residential Placement – 2


IEP and ILP Targets and Solar Progress.


Greenvale (GV) Levels were written and implemented for the remaining Foundation subjects and students were baselined for these levels.

GV levels are not equivalent to P levels therefore data is approximate. 




Gove pathway (24 Students)

Students on the Grove pathway continue to be assessed termly using the 7 areas of engagement, through descriptive comments and photographs. Progress is monitored termly as part of progress reviews.


Forest/ Woodland


Specific table with numbers of below, Good or Excellent Achievement attached.


Students Causing Concern:

At the end of each term students progress is reviewed and a list is made of ant students causing Concern.

At the end of the summer term 9 students did not meet their targets. This consisted of;

1 Glade student who had significant behavioural challenges.

2 KS3 students.

1 had poor attendance which was improved through an attendance intervention.

1 was unwell and awaiting surgery.

4 KS4 students.

1 had a significant bereavement and moved to foster carers.

1 had behavioural issues that caused him to refuse attendance.

2 had surgery / significant medical issues.

2 KS5 Students

Both suffered ill health and did not achieve.


SIP Outcomes 2021/22

Greenvale Levels for DT and RE were written collaboratively by all teaching staff. The new curriculum is now in place and students are being assessed against our new Greenvale levels in both DT & RE.

All staff consistently provided oral or written feedback linked to the learning objective for the students. This was noted as achieved in lesson observations and also in our Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review.

Leaders checked the impact of support for individuals was sustained over time, resulting in embedded learning.

Further develop the role of subject leaders across the school. A full programme of training was rolled out by the curriculum coordinator and subject leaders have become more confident in their areas. All areas have been audited and documents created. They will be interviewed by our curriculum coordinator this term to set new targets.


SIP 2022/23

To review our assessment system.

To ensure teaching practice of reading is highly effective and consistent across all pathways/reading levels.  

To develop outcomes in Mathematics through implementation of the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach