Greenvale Levels English Writing

GV4 (Request, mark making, creative writing)

  •         Students will label their work (e.g. using photos, stamps, printed name, braille etc.  to label their work).
  •         Students, with help, will add symbols/ photos in a sequence: e.g. adding symbols/ photos to a timetable or a ‘Now and then’ chart.
  •         Students will add one photo or symbol to a sentence strip to request (e.g. to ask for their favourite item/ activity during leisure time) (I want___)
  •         Students will use a variety of mark making implements: e.g. pen, marker, paint, stamps, iPad apps, interactive screen pen, touch screen.  
  •         Students will use symbols in creative writing activities.

 GV5 (Two key words, tracing/ coping, creative writing (2), sentence strip)

  •         Students will label their work by tracing their names.
  •         Students will sequence two pictures to show understanding about the order of events (e.g. ‘Now and then’ chart)
  •         Students will create a sentence by adding two symbols/ photos, to a sentence strip (e.g. selecting 2 symbols from their choosing board to request for 2 items during snack time I want__ and ___).
  •         Students will use an appropriate word/ symbol/ sign to complete a sentence when the adult pauses (e.g. ‘We’re going to…. zoo/park/shop/beach’)
  •         Students will trace, overwrite or copy shapes and straight line patterns.
  •         Students combine two key ideas/concepts during creative writing activities.


GV6 (Two key words from a choice, write name, creative writing (2 words /+choices), sentence strip)

  •         Students will produce or write their name in letters or symbols in a variety of settings (e.g.  message to a friend, identification of own work, on a merit certificate, on a register).
  •         Students will sequence symbols to show understanding about the order of events (e.g. morning class timetable).
  •         Students will complete a sentence that is said aloud using symbols/signs/words (e.g. ‘When we went to the beach today… it was hot’).
  •         Students will copy or type letter forms (e.g. labels / captions for pictures or for displays).
  •         Students will identify or form most of the 10+ letters.
  •         Students will identify or form 10+ lower-case graphemes on hearing corresponding phonemes. 
  •         Students will combine two key ideas/concepts from a choice of 4-6 symbols during creative writing activities

 GV7 (Three key, write name, creative writing - 3 words)

  •         Students will write/type their names and one or two other simple words using the graphemes that they already know.
  •         Students will sequence symbols to show understanding about the order of events (e.g. daily class timetable)
  •         Students will make up their own phrases to express their thoughts aloud about stories or their experiences.
  •         Students will group letters and leave spaces between them.
  •         Students will identify or form 20+ lower-case letters.
  •         Students will identify or form 20+ lower-case graphemes on hearing corresponding phonemes. 
  •         Students will spell words (with known graphemes) by identifying the phonemes and representing the phonemes with graphemes:  e.g. in, cat, pot.
  •         Students will combine three key ideas/concepts during creative writing activities.

 GV8 (Write simple familiar words. Encourage independent writing, word mats)

  •         Students will write simple familiar group words when communicating in a variety of ways: e.g. favourite food, name of friends, favourite activities at school, everyday items.
  •         Students will make up their own short sentences to express their thoughts aloud about stories or their experiences.
  •         Students will experiment in role-play situations, writing letters, lists, signs, directions, memos, greeting cards, stories, instructions, labels, captions, accounts of own experience.
  •         Students will form most lower-case letters correctly
  •         Students will identify or write the 40+ graphemes in Standard 4 of English language comprehension and reading on hearing the corresponding phonemes.
  •         Students will experiment with a range of punctuation mark:  e.g. To start using full stops at the end of a sentence and to start using Capital letters with familiar names.
  •         Students will use word mats to support independent writing during creative writing activities.

 GV9 (Write two sentences)

  •         Students will write a simple sentence presenting some information about a familiar topic. e.g. Write a sentence about your favourite film.
  •         Students will start a sentence with a capital letter.
  •         Students will finish a sentence with a full stop.
  •         Students will start names with a capital letter.
  •         Students will experiment with a range of punctuation mark:  question marks.
  •         Students will spell correctly very familiar words e.g. names of friends.
  •         Students will construct one simple sentence correctly most of the time.
  •         Students will write a single sentence using ICT on the screen. 
  •         Students will attempt to write simple notes.

 GV10 (Write two sentences)

  •         Students will write two simple sentence presenting some information about a familiar topic. e.g.   Write about what you are good at and what you like doing in your spare time.
  •         Students will start a sentence with a capital letter correctly.
  •         Students will finish a sentence with a full stop correctly.
  •         Students will experiment with a range of punctuation mark:  exclamation marks and comas.
  •         Students will have some personal or very familiar words spelt correctly.
  •         Students will construct two simple sentence correctly most of the time.
  •         Students will write two sentences using ICT on the screen. 
  •         Students will attempt to write simple messages.