Greenvale Levels English Speaking and Listening
GV4 (Request)
- Students will copy/repeat familiar single key words or signs in context. (e.g. hello)
- Students will consistently request preferred objects or activities using single symbols /words/ signs. (e.g. Selecting preferred items/ activities from a choosing board)
- Students will name a familiar object using single symbols, words and signs. (e.g. I can see. Hat, wig, glasses)
- Students will use single symbols, words and signs to name a character from a story.
GV5 (To request and describe)
- Students will communicate by combining two key words for person and object (e.g. using colourful semantics to support communication using Who and what - Sam ball, Sue shaker, PECs I want red apple)
- Students will name characters from a story using two corresponding words (e.g. king and crown, soldier and sword)
- Students will participate in drama games, learning one-word (line) to use: e.g. ‘Potion!
GV6 (To differentiate and describe)
- Students will communicate by combining two key words for person and action (e.g. using colourful semantics to support communication using Who and what doing - lady reading, Sue jumping, PECs I want big apple)
- Students will use simple conversational skills using their preferred mode of communication e.g. speaking in turn.
- Students will participate in drama games, learning two-word phrase(line) to use: e.g. ‘Fire burn’, ‘Brave Macbeth!’
- Students use some intonation and a range of volume.
GV7 (To describe and comment - name, object, what doing)
- Students will communicate by combining three key ideas or concepts (e.g. using colourful semantics to support communication - Who, what doing and what, The lady is reading a book, Sam is jumping on the trampoline, PECs I want big red apple)
- Students will communicate ideas about events and experiences: e.g. ‘This is difficult’, ‘The play was fun' using symbol support for adjectives as needed.
- Students will use a range of nouns and verbs in conversations.
- Students will participate in drama games, learning three-word phrase(line) to use: e.g. ‘Stop! Put down your swords!’
- Students will use intonation and a range of volume to add emphasis to expression.
GV8 (Communication own experiences and familiar stories)
- Students will communicate by combining four key ideas or concepts using colourful semantics to support communication (Who, what doing what and where) (e.g. The lady is reading a book in the park, PECs commenting).
- Students will talk about their own experiences/ familiar stories with support e.g. symbols, pictures, talking mat.
- Students will use a range of nouns, prepositions, adjectives and verbs during conversations.
- Students will participate in drama games, learning four-word phrase(line) to use: e.g. ‘Down with the Montagues! Down with the Capulets!’.
GV4 (respond to simple requests - one key word)
- Students will respond appropriately to simple instructions containing one key word/ symbol/ sign: e.g. ‘outside’, ‘toilet’
- Students will respond appropriately to key word e.g. saying hello back to someone saying hello using their preferred mode of communication.
- Students will participate and respond to a turn taking game - realising it is their turn when name is called/displayed.
- Students listen and respond to sounds e.g. familiar staff coming into room and talking, favourite song, sounds game.
- Students will follow simple stage instructions containing one key word (e.g. clap)
GV5 (respond to simple requests - two key words)
- Students will respond appropriately to instructions containing two key words/ symbols/ signs: e.g. ‘put the bag in the box, get your coat and go outside’.
- Students will respond to familiar questions using their preferred mode of communication e.g. question e.g. ‘How are you? - Good’.
- Students will respond appropriately to ‘where’ and ‘what’ questions about familiar or immediate events or experiences containing two key words e.g. ‘where is the iPad?’ ‘What are you doing?’
- Students will follow simple stage instructions containing two key words (e.g. take off hat, bow to audience)
GV6 (respond to simple requests - three key words)
- Students will respond appropriately to instructions containing three key words/ symbols/ signs: e.g. ‘get a pen, glue and a pair of scissors’.
- Students will respond greetings using their preferred mode of communication e.g. ‘hello, how are you, what are you doing?’
- Students will listen to short sound clips and respond to simple questions e.g. one news item.
- Students will follow simple stage instructions containing three key words (e.g. put on hat, put items into caldron, stir)
- Students will follow simple rules for group situations e.g. take turns when playing a familiar game.
GV7 (respond to simple requests - four key words)
- Students will respond appropriately to instructions containing four key words/ symbols/ signs (e.g. Get the big book about sport from the library’).
- Students will listen to a short story and answer simple questions containing 4 key words in their preferred mode of communication e.g. ‘Who went into the shop to buy chocolate?’
- Students will take turns in discussion by listening to others and responding appropriately to phrases using 4 key words in their preferred mode of communication.
- Students will follow simple stage instructions containing four key words (e.g. put on hat, put items into caldron, stir and say spell).
GV8 (Responding to more complex instructions)
- Students will listen attentively and respond appropriately to questions about why or how.
- Students will listen to information and show understanding e.g. by repeating back, or rephrasing the response e.g. string lessons are cancelled today – no strings today.
- Students will listen attentively and respond appropriately to sound clips e.g. Newsround, YouTube video on an event, assembly.
- Students will respond to abstract vocabulary during drama activities e.g. act live your angry, afraid or in love.
GV9 (Respond to comments about two options)
- Students will respond in simple sentences to questions about themselves e.g. what is your favourite food and drink?
- Students will answer the telephone (e.g. Hello ____ speaking, can I help you?)
- Students will use language to offer short explanations e.g. explaining their views on a favourite TV programme e.g. ‘That film is good’.
- Students will participate in drama games, learning a single phrase (line) to use: e.g. ‘Macbeth. You will be the new King of Scotland!
- Students will change their voice to give character to a part (scary voice for a witch, high pitched voice for a mouse).
GV10 (Ask simple questions to get specific info).
- Students will ask for information, and repeat it back using a short sentence e.g. taking a phone message survey, job interview, to book a doctors’ appointment, check time of lesson.
- Students will take part in an informal group discussion and will respond appropriately e.g. I like that film too, and I also like….
- Students will respond appropriately to questions in group situations e.g. what do you like to eat?
- Students will participate in drama games, learning two single phrases (line) to use: e.g. ‘Two days later and the party’s underway! The guests have arrived and the band begins to play!’
- Students will alter their voice to convey different the emotions of characters e.g. deliver the same line with a sad and a happy voice.