Greenvale Levels Art


New Greenvale Levels have been created to assess Art following the recommendations from the Rochford Review (2016) of the removal of P Levels as statutory requirement for the assessment of students working below the standard of national curriculum tests. The Greenvale Levels have been designed to assess the development of students’ skills and creativity within Art for students that are engaged in subject specific learning.

“Art, craft and design makes use of critical thinking, imagination and expression. Creating and making develops attributes in children and young people, such as the confidence to take risks, the ability to solve problems, self-belief, autonomy of thought and a sense of identity. Art,craft and design is about visual literacy and communication, and is an understanding of visual culture and practice.

It promotes enjoyment and engagement at school for students. It provides a channel of communication beyond text and the ability to excel without words”

NSEAD July 2019

 ‘The arts teach us that problems can have more than one solution and questions can have more than one answer. The subject offers the ability to have judgement without rule.’

Elliot Eisner’s Ten Lessons the Arts Teach Us

To make progress in art and design, students should learn essential skills and processes: exploring and creating, understanding and evaluating.

Art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge students’, personal expression, cultural understanding, creative and practical responses, promoting imaginative risk taking to provide solutions to our material, emotional, social and virtual worlds. The knowledge and skills equip them to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

As students’ progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. 

Data sources used include:

  •         Performance - p scale - attainment targets for pupils with special educational needs (2009).
  •         Marjorie McClure Art levels
  •         Charlton Park Art levels
  •         Arts Award
  •         Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) Early Years
Greenvale Levels 


Use, Experience, Experiment

  • Student chooses and uses materials and resources in an open-ended way

o   Tearing and scrunching paper to complete a collage

o   Pushes toy car backwards and forwards through flour and paint.

o   Pulls paint covered string side to side, up and down, round and round

o   Sprinkles sequins / sand / confetti onto a sticky surface

  • Student experiments with media and materials

o   Pokes fingers in dough / clay, breaks it into pieces, sticks pieces together

o   Explores silly putty as a leisure activity!

o   Uses a small print block randomly

o   Moves grated chalk on black paper.

  • Student makes marks that represent for them an experience

o   Uses malleable materials after exploring an object (stem of artificial flowers or driftwood)

o   Makes marks while listening to music

o   Responds to sensory experience e.g. by looking/visual, listening/auditory, feeling/tactile, sniffing/smell, eating/taste to make a mark

  • Student is aware of starting or stopping a process.

o   Returns brush / spreader / hand to pot again and again

o   Knows that taking finger off the touch screen will result in the pattern stopping

o   Knows that not touching / touching the roller ball will change the art programme.

o   Knows that they made the print on the paper with their own hand.


Use, Experience, Explore, Experiment

  • Student transforms an experience into something new

o   Makes a pattern while finger painting.

o   Holds brush / roller / dish mop to make stripes of colour.

o   Create a laminated sensory collage

  • Student imitates the use of tools, materials and simple actions

o   Puts tools into different coloured paints and watches the marks with some interest.

o   Dips a wet brush into powder paint and then makes a mark with it.

o   Chooses between objects (dried grass, natural sponge and scallop shell) to use for print making.

  • Student can create and apply techniques to a task

o   Applying glue to a surface to make materials stick together in making a model

o   Pushes thumb into ball of soft clay to make a simple thumb pot.

o   Makes side to side movements with a drawing tool

  • Student experiments with skills or techniques

o   Uses 2 switches to build a picture using alternate presses

o   Picking brushes or rollers for painting

o   Prints using cut fruit, corrugated paper or shower scrunchies


Discover, Find out, Share

  • Student uses tools, materials and simple actions to produce a piece of work

o   Creates a picture using mouse / roller ball / touch pad by selecting their own stamps

o   Uses paint on a brush to make a 'picture' may not yet be representational.

o   Puts strips of paper onto a balloon to make a model.

  • Student understands different cultures or festivals by creating an appropriate piece of work

o   Chooses lace and flowers from a large selection for a mother's day card

o   Makes decisions about the colours they want to use when making a Christmas decoration

o   Makes a skeleton mask for Day of the Dead

  • Student show’s preferences for activities to carry out simple processes

o   Chooses materials from a selection board with many examples (up to 8).

o   Selecting and gathering suitable resources and tools for a piece of work,

o   Uses shaped sponges to make a picture

  • Student shows confidence in using a variety of processes and make appropriate use of tools and materials

o   Cuts hard materials by snipping - eg. card, paper and straws.

o   Sticks on collage materials independently

o   Pushes hands on rolling pin to make dough flat

o   Uses a comb or a fork with paint to create texture



Discover, Find out, Share

  • Working in two or three dimensions Student represents or symbolises an object or an emotion

o   Draws shapes to represent objects such as tree, people, etc.

o   Draws an aspect of a personal experience

o   Pushes 2 balls of clay together to make a dog.

o   Draws a heart / chooses a symbol for love.

  • Student purposefully choose colours or techniques

o   Uses colour to represent particular objects - such as apples, dog, flowers.

o   Finds the glue and spreaders, blue tack or sellotape and applies with minimal assistance.

o   Builds a house with boxes

  • Student can identify different art genres or artists

o   Knows a portrait, landscape, still life or sculpture

o   Match artist (photo, name) to their work of art

  • Student represents different cultures in their work



Explore, Create, Share

  • Student creates a piece of art work in the style of an art genre

o   Use digital photographs of themselves to make a pop art portrait

o   Use colour wash/watercolours to create impressionist landscape

o   Use clay to make a ‘Henry Moore’ figure

  • Students communicate ideas, events or experiences through their use of colour, form, line and tone

o   Identifies objects within pictures.

o   Sticks two boxes together to make a tower

  • Student can express their own ideas/stories in their work.

o   Draws a man and then makes one out of clay or dough

  • Student shares their work with others

o   Shown at the end of the lesson to the class or in assembly,

o   on a display in class or corridor

o   takes part in an exhibition



Inspire, Explore, Create, Present

  • Student can identify their own and others work, including the work of artists.

o   Talks / signs / points to preferences and opinions.

o   Say or use signs / symbols to tell what they like or dislike about the work of an artist.

  • Student finishes a piece of work following an established pattern of activity

o   Uses symbols to guide them through a sequence.

o   Gathering appropriate materials, taking part in an activity and stopping work when finished

  • Student knows that paintings, sculptures and drawings have meaning

o   Talks about the emotion of the picture - eg. it makes me feel happy, the colours are sad.

o   Talks about what is happening in the painting

o   Talks about what the sculpture looks like, or what type of person they were

  • Student makes personal response about what has inspired them in the work

o   What they like about the work

o   What or why a particular tool/material was used

o   How did they start

o   What artist’s work/genre they made it like?



Inspire, Explore, Create, Present

  • Develop an idea or theme from a starting point to create a piece of work

o   Puts pictures from different sources together on a project board.

o   Create a mindmap

o   Giving simple explanation of ‘how they did it’ e.g. ‘How is it joined?’

o   Makes sketches/plan/design

  • Student can name the primary colours

o   Recite a primary colour song/rhyme

  • Uses knows that primary colours make secondary colours.    

o   Makes a colour wheel

o   Mixes 2 paint colours to make a third

o   Layer over tissue paper

o   Uses only primary colours for a Mondrian style picture


  • With assistance, draw what they see rather than what they know

o   Draw a still life

o   Cut out shapes they see in the object and make a Matisse cut out

o   Oversized drawing/sculpture of a very small object

o   Uses a mirror for a self portrait

o   Traces around their hand and adds the detail they see ’inside’


  • Student can reflect simply and constructively on their own work and the work of others

o   Use comparative terms when expressing an opinion e.g. big/small, high/low, wet/dry, on/off

o   Observe differences e.g. in their and others’ pictures, models

o   Discuss their preferences in the work of their peers or other artists