Progress report 2017-2018
P Levels
- The majority of student make medium or upper quartile progress sin relation to the Progression Guidance 2009.
- Due to small data sets, it is not reliable to compare year groups or Maths v English, however broadly speaking there are no significant difference between diversity groups.
- Students make the best progress on The Forest or Woodland pathway.
- Students on Grove pathway make small steps progress in English and Maths, and are now being assess in the 7 areas of engagement.
- Where students do not move up a whole level, progress is made within the level and can be seen in small steps through SOLAR.
English |
Maths |
Year 7 – Y11 |
LQ |
M |
UQ |
L |
M |
UQ |
TOTAL 63 |
6% 4 |
46% 29 |
48% 30 |
8% 5 |
36% 23 |
56% 35 |
Functional Skills
- Reading - 6 students have made progress within a level. Rates of progress average at 50%%.
- Writing - 4 students have made progress within a level. Rates of progress vary between 33-60%.
- Speaking and Listening - 5 students have made progress within a level. Rates of progress vary between 29-60%.
- Maths - 4 students have made progress within a level. Rates of progress vary between 55-69%. 1 student has made a whole entry level progress.
- Y14 - 2 students achieved ELC1 in reading.
Key Stage 5
- One student in Y11 moved to KS5 last year. He has made excellent progress within Level 1 English and Maths and has now left to attend college.
- 6 students achieved ASDAN PSD ‘Community Action’ module at Entry Level 1.
- All students in KS5 achieved at least 6 AQA unit Awards at Pre and Entry level in a variety of subjects.
- Students in KS5 in High Needs classes achieved at least 3 AQA Awards at Pre Entry level in a variety of subjects.
All students in Y14 who left Greenvale moved onto college.
- Nash College – 4
- Lewisham College - 1
- Orchard Hill - 3
- Bromley College - 2
Additional Qualifications and achievements
- Year 7 - 6 students achieved Level 1 Arts Award through Art, and 1 student Level 1 Arts Award through Music.
- 2 students (Y8 and Y11) achieved a ‘Silver Musical Medal’ pass from ABRSM on the violin.
- Interventions – target set for 6 week or 12 week intervention, SOLAR recording on impact. Continue this year.
Social, emotional and mental health development
- A number of our students have made fantastic progress with personal skills such as managing their behaviour, developing their communication and improving their ability to self-regulate. Summative assessment is included within end of year reports
- Enrichment participation is reported on as part of our new pathway offer within the end of year reports.
2018-2019 plans
- Lewisham Special School Network (LSSN) with Brent Knoll, New Woodlands, Watergate and Drumbeat continues with borough moderation for all subjects. SLT meetings have been introduced with focus on areas such as curriculum development and well-being.
- Greenvale continues to attend Bromley SLP moderation and senior leadership meetings.
- Implement use of adaptive Pre-Key Stage 1 and 2 standards for English and Maths.
- Review and implement P4-P8 level description for all other subjects.
- Target setting within pathways (already completed and linked to teacher appraisals).
- All students working below P4 on the Grove Pathway are engage in ‘non-subject-specific learning’. Students will now be assessed in the 7 areas of engagement (responsiveness, curiosity, discovery, anticipation, persistence, initiation, investigation).