Greenvale Levels RE
• Show a clear response when exploring religious artefacts.
• Responds to adult modelling of initial action or sound e.g. hit a singing bell after an adult has shown.
• Shows engagement in sensory stories from a range of religions.
• Responds to familiar, enjoyable or revisited experiences that evoke specific emotions e.g. meditation, hand washing, Call to prayer, singing bowls.
• Participates in, and responds to, a moment of stillness/meditation or quietness.
•Indicates yes/no, likes/dislikes, simple preferences and choices when learning about religions.GV5
• Explores with peers traditional communal religious experiences e.g. walking together for Hajj, coming to religious assemblies, sharing a moment of reflection.
- Students will name key figures from a range of religious sensory stories.
• Categorise religious artefacts and events e.g. sorting Christmas items into categories, sort items associated with weddings
• Show understanding and make connections with sounds, images, artefacts and symbols associated with different religion.GV6
• Shows an appropriate response linked with a religious occasion i.e. funeral is sad, Eid is happy
• Responds to others appropriately when learning or engaging in a religious learning e.g. an Iman in a Mosque, a teacher leading assembly/breathing space.
• Copies, repeats ritualised actions in faith circumstances e.g. preparing a prayer mat, engaging in an example of Holy Communion, making cards for religious events.
• Shows awareness of their influence on others through events e.g. giving gifts to make others happy, sharing artefacts, taking turns in a sensory story, going into a prayer tent, taking part in a charity event or celebration.
• Listens to and follows religious stories and demonstrate awareness of key aspects e.g. main characteristics, theme, events, through symbols, pictures or verbal responses.GV7
• Can evaluate behaviour against different religious teachings using their preferred means of communication e.g. being kind ‘love thy neighbour’
• Explores concepts of right and wrong through religious stories and teachings in relation to themselves and others.
• Can communicate their feeling about what is special and important to them.
• Can recognise artefacts from different religions and what they are use for e.g. prayer mat, prayer beads, advent candles
• Explore different religions through stories, music and experiences and using their preferred means of communication respond, ask questions and reflect back their understanding.
• Listens to and responds to religious stories or religious learning and recall prior knowledge and begin to identify why it is important to that religion.
• Can comment on what makes them happy, sad, excited or lonely in relation to religious teaching and stories i.e. Jesus was sad because his friend died – what makes me sad
• Can identify the moral meanings behind religious stories and teachings.
• Shows concern about creation and treat living things with respect in response to learning about different creation stories.
• Can recall some known facts about a religion they are familiar with or have been studying.
• Can retell some religious and moral stories making connections to their own experiences.
• Can recognise some different symbols and artefacts from different religions and comment on why they are significant.
• Show they understand some of the signs of belonging to a different religious or community group e.g. Muslims attend mosque and fast during Ramadam, Scouts wear uniforms and attend trips.
• Can express some of their own ideas about belonging, meaning, truth and right and wrong.
• Can recall some known facts about different religions i.e. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism.
• Can make some comparisons between different religion and their foundational beliefs.
• Recognise signs of belonging to different religions, communities and how people express their identities e.g. rainbow symbol for Pride, Amish living in isolated communities.
• Comparing rituals, rules of life and routines from different religions, finding similarities.
• Can express some ideas about their world view and how that compares to others.