Music Therapy

Music Therapy is based on the understanding that all human beings are able to respond to music irrespective of musical ability. It involves the use of sound, rhythm and improvised music in order to form a musical relationship between the client and therapist. In this relationship, the child or young person can respond, gain confidence and develop a sense of self. Change can take place and the individual's strengths and needs can be explored in a safe and creative environment. Music Therapy sessions also offer a child or young person a different experience of shared play, interaction, learning and understanding, through verbal and non-verbal modes of communication. Music Therapy is delivered at Greenvale School by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust.

 Areas for referral include confidence, resilience, autonomy, peer/home/school relationships, anxiety, emotional regulation, awareness, focus, bereavement/loss, sensory need.  Referrals are submitted by class teachers or Key Stage Coordinators.

The music therapist at Greenvale is Charlotte McVicker.

Contact details

020 8294 3139