Education Psychology

What is an Educational Psychologist?

An Educational Psychologist (EP) works to support the well being and development of children and young people up to 25 years of age. EPs are people with postgraduate training in child and adolescent learning, behaviour and mental health. They draw upon theory and research to bring about positive change by working closely with school staff, parents/carers and children/young people themselves.

What do EPs do?

An EP gathers information about a child’s strengths and things they find more difficult. The EP works in collaboration with the adults who know the child best to create plans and review these over time to help the child to make progress. An EP may gather information about: 

  •          Learning 
  •          Understanding and managing emotions
  •          Independence and self-help skills
  •          Making friends and relating to others
  •          Expressing themselves and understanding language
  •          Developing play skills
  •          Medical or physical conditions that influence access to learning 

What happens after an EP has seen my child?

The EP usually provides a written record of their involvement with your child. They will usually plan to discuss your child’s progress during a future visit to the school.


All referrals to the Educational Psychology Team come through Lina Avila Munoz.

If you have any concerns about your son/daughter's behaviour, please contact the class teacher or key stage coordinator in the first instance.