
Careers & Work Experience Curriculum

At Greenvale, we are committed to ensuring students are fully supported and guided to plan for their futures. We have a focus on developing students’ individual skills and interests to prepare them to play an active part in their local community. Our interpretation for developing employability skills refers to any skill which supports our students in life beyond school emphasising functional communication, independence, and a greater level of autonomy. These skills can be increasingly transferred into student interactions in the wider community and for some of our students ultimately into voluntary work or employment in the future.


The Careers & Work Experience Curriculum relates to a range of work-related and Preparation for Adulthood elements covered throughout the Greenvale School curriculum. This provides students with a high quality and impartial programme of advice and guidance enabling them to progress on to appropriate courses or employment in their future lives. 

The Gatsby Benchmarks  

Greenvale School uses the Gatsby Benchmarks to personalise careers guidance and learning to students on all pathways, and to review and evaluate careers provision. The benchmarks are: 


Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme 

Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information 

Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil 

Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers 

Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees 

Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces 

Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education 

Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance 


Careers Provision  


At Greenvale School, the curriculum content for Careers is taught across KS3, KS4 and KS5.

In Key Stages 3 and 4 this is mostly taught through the PSHE curriculum modules, National Careers Week and individual sessions. Key stage 5 has a discrete careers curriculum designed over three years to develop the skills of our students in preparing them for the wider world, this is delivered through Preparation for Adulthood, Skills towards Independence and PSHE modules. Students on the Woodland Pathway in KS5 will complete the ASDAN Personal, Social Development Award. We provide opportunities for our pupils to complete Work Experience in school and in the wider community setting both in KS4 and KS5. We work successfully with the Lewisham Work Experience Provider who provide placements for our pupils with local employers in Year 14. 


There are a number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, which include opportunities for providers to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents.  

The following table outlines examples of the opportunities provided for training and education providers to speak to students and/or their parents/carers.







(YEAR 7-9) 


Information Fayre  

National Careers Week 


EHCP Annual reviews to focus on aspiration and employability

PSHE Curriculum: Choices and Careers 


National Careers Week


 PFA – Transition planning meeting


External Speakers  



(YEAR 10-11) 

PSHE Curriculum: Further Education 


Information Fayre 

National Careers Week


 EHCP Annual reviews to focus on aspiration and employability

PSHE Curriculum: Careers and Paid Employment 



National Careers Week

PFA – Transition planning meeting 


External Enterprise/ Employability Workshop


External Speakers  



(YEAR 12-14) 


PFA: Workplace Environment/ Planning for my future 


Information Fayre

National Careers Week  


EHCP Annual reviews to focus on aspiration and employability


Y14 - Parent’s Workshop for External Work Experience


English Curriculum:  

Work Related 


PFA: Training and Education/ Creating a CV 


National Careers Week 


External Careers Fayre’s

PFA: Skills at Work/ Careers in my locality/ Getting a Job 


Year 14 – Lewisham Work Experience with local employers 


PFA – Transition planning meeting 


ASDAN (PSD) – Preparation for Work, Community Action

Healthy Living


Visits to Local Post-19 Providers


External Enterprise/ Employability Workshop


External Speakers 




The provision offer for Careers is highly personalised and aims to be reflective of each individual. Student’s provision offers and outcomes will vary based on their individual pathway, for example.


Students on the Glade Pathway have the opportunity to explore: -  

  •          Working together co-operatively with other students and staff 
  •          People who help us at school and in the community  
  •          Developing effective communication  
  •          Completing class jobs  or in school work experience


Students on the Grove Pathway have the opportunity to explore: - 

  •          Participating in National Careers Week
  •          Effective communication with people who help us 
  •          Working with others to develop skills and share personal qualities and interests  
  •          Completing class jobs  
  •          The completion of work experience in school in Year 14 


Students on the Forest Pathway have the opportunity to explore: - 

  •          Developing a greater understanding of themselves, their abilities and the range of opportunities available to them
  •          The completion of  work related activities in KS4 and KS5 in school 
  •          How to select a job of interest and work through the application and interview process to then carry out that job in school with greater confidence, organisational skills and effective communication 
  •          An increasing emphasis on developing effective social and communication skills and the ability to work both independently and successfully with others to achieve a common goal  


Students on the Woodland Pathway have the opportunity to explore:  

  •          Skills and qualities needed for a wide range of jobs and careers and how this relates to their own skills, interests and aspirations 
  •          The completion of Work Experience in KS4 and KS5 in school 
  •          How to improve their own employability, work through the application and interview process to then carry out that job in school with greater confidence, organisational skills and effective communication 
  •          An increasing emphasis on developing social skills and the ability to work both independently and successfully with others to achieve a common goal 
  •          The completion of offsite Work Experience with local employers via the Lewisham Work Experience Provider 


External Work Experience

Where appropriate; Year 14 students undertake a work experience placement. Students choose a career which is of interest to them.  A work experience placement is sought to meet the students needs; special educational needs and/or additional learning needs, appropriate work experience placement provider, location, transport links and supervision. The Careers & Work Experience Coordinator visits the work experience placement provider’s premises to meet with the work experience placement personnel to discuss issues regarding the work experience placement. The Careers & Work Experience Coordinator completes a risk assessment of the working environment and working tasks to be performed. The work experience placement provider is fully involved in the risk assessment process. As the student undertakes the work experience placement, they complete a work experience diary. The work experience diary may contain the following elements depending on the location of the work experience provider and needs of the student, e.g. Travel arrangements, location of work experience placement, dates and timings, colleagues, type of work undertaken.



Emily Garside 



The information on this page will be reviewed annually. 


We value your views! If you are a young person that has been on Work Experience, Or a parent of a young person that has, Please fill in the online form to share your views. 
Also, If you are a Local organisation or business, and you would like to offer your provision as a place where one of our young people might do work experience, please fill in the form to let us know.
Please click the link below to access the form.