Greenvale Levels Computing

Computing Greenvale Levels  



  • Students understand cause and effect using a touchscreen device (iPad or IWB)Shows understanding through repetition, facial expression, stilling, becoming more animated.  

  • Students make choices to generate familiar/preferred sounds/images. For example, choosing by fixing gaze when showed one photo at a time. Choosing by attending to a YouTube clip.  

  • Students will anticipate what is going to happen next when pressing a switch to activate a fan, a hairdryer, YouTube clip …     

  • Students operate everyday electronic devices with support. 

  • Students will match objects linked to computing. E.g.: To find the same photo on the screen to match it to the object shown.       


  • Students can use a mouse with control (e.g. to create a drawing, colouring pictures) 

  • Students use a simple computer program (e.g. ActivInspire or paint to create a drawing)  

  • Students understand cause and effect using ICT equipment (mouse, keyboard, touchscreen, a switch IWB).  

  • Students make choices to generate familiar/preferred sounds/images. For example, choosing by fixing gaze or pointing when shown more than one photo at a time. Choosing by selecting a YouTube clip when presented with more than one clip at a time. 


  • Students use a keyboard to select single letters and numbers for familiar words. For example, by finding Q (for QWERTY) or initial letter of name (student name or class name for purpose of password). 

  • Students demonstrate an awareness that information is stored on a device – retrieve or save an item to show understating of data stored. For example, to open photo app, scroll to find and open a given photograph. 

  • Students respond to simple instructions to control a selection of devices e.g. Press the green button on photocopier. To press red button on iPad to take a photograph. 

  • Students operate some devices with a degree of independence e.g. to log on to the iPad, to operate the camera on iPad, to use the touchscreen to scroll, select, tap icon, etc 



  • Students begin to choose equipment and software for a familiar activity (e.g., to find and tap on the icon appropriate to the task in hand – to make a movie, take a photograph, produce a digital painting) 

  • Students use a keyboard to create short words and or phrases (spell checker) e.g. shopping list (use communicate in print to make list) 

  • Use a simple number password to log onto a device e.g. iPad, use telephone to call extension. 

  • Students use a variety of software to present information:  

- PowerPoint 

- Word 

- In Print 

  • Students create, print and collect a piece of work.  




  • Students choose an appropriate software to communicate and present their ideas.  

  • Students load a resource and make a choice from it. e.g. Publisher 

  • Students communicate about their use of technologies 

  • Students identify what information should be kept private and where to go for help and support if they are worried about something online (know how to manage online risks). 

  • Student use a word and number password to log onto a device e.g. computer log in.  



  • Students experience using block coding programs such as scratch, Lego WeDo. 

  • Students to use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private (passwords) 

  • Students to create passwords (mobile phone, bank card, pin, …). 

  • Students to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour online.  

  • Students to recognise inappropriate content or contact and identify ways to report. 



  • Students to access email software; opening and reading emails, creating/responding to an email, adding attachments.  

  • Students to use Microsoft office software appropriately and functionally (e.g. to create a leaflet about an event, make a poster, typing up a journal entry) 

  • To demonstrate their understanding of online safety; e.g. identifying inappropriate content and ways to report, exploring how to stay safe on social media and gaming devices. 

  • Students follow instructions to use block coding programs such as scratch, Lego WeDo. 

  • Students to independently access the internet in order to research a topic, find relevant information and present this using an appropriate software 



Greenvale Levels Computing Rationale  



 “A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.” (National Curriculum, 2013) 


New Greenvale Levels have been created to assess computing following the recommendations from the Rochford Review (2016) of the removal of P Levels as statutory requirement for the assessment of students working below the standard of national curriculum tests. The computing Greenvale Levels have been designed to assess the development of students’ skills with emphasis on increased independence and understanding the use of Computing in the wider world. 

Miles Berry (2018) principal lecturer and the subject leader for Computing Education at the University of Roehampton, describes the computing curriculum as follows: 


‘An inclusive approach to computing should ensure an appropriate balance between the foundation (computer science), application (information technology) and implication (digital literacy). Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that pupils who are more vulnerable because of SEND have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves safe, and of their responsibilities, when using the internet’. 


Greenvale school takes Internet safety extremely seriouslyEvery year group participates in lessons on e-safety and students understand how to stay safe when using technology. 


Computing and Information Technology are essential tools for inclusion.  They enable children with SEND, whatever their needs, to use technology purposefully in ways that make the wider curriculum accessible, empower those with communication difficulties to engage with others and to fully include everyone in activities and learning. And also, it offers pupils with SEND varied and engaging ways to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and demonstrate success.  all pupils have an opportunity to participate, be challenged, learn and progress. iCompute (2020) 


iCompute supports children with SEND by providing: 

  • Physical Activities – Unplugged activities (computing without a computer) enable pupils to get active and understand abstract concepts. Programming physical devices (E.g. Bee-bot) helps pupils learn to program by experiencing their code ‘come to life’ in multiple ways. Devices with outputs that include sound, movement and light ensure learners with visual or auditory impairment are included 

  • Variety – demonstrate skills and progress, express ideas, improve digital literacy and boost self-confidence. 


Data sources used include: